COMPANY "Cinema and Environment"



non-profit organization
"Cinema and Environment" 

  COMPANY "Cinema and Environment"

The Ecocinema Festival is the first thematic festival in Greece and the only environmental film festival in the Mediterranean and the Balkans.

A non-profit organization was created for managing and running the festival, called "Cinema and Environment" with Ilias Efthimiopoulos as President and the following members:

  Efstratiadis Manos, Director
Zorba Myrsini, member of the European Parliament
Kambilis Takis, Journalist
Kanelopoulou Vasso, Journalist-television producer
Modinos Michalis, President of EKPAA
Mouzaki Despina, Producer
Bakogianopoulos Giannis, film critic
Nikolaidis Nikolas, Architect
Tsiftsis Spyros, film Director-head in chief of IME's film productions
Charitatou Ioanna, Director of Media Desk Hellas

Film director, Lucia Rikaki is festival's artistic director.©2023