non-profit organization "Cinema and Environment"
COMPANY "Cinema and Environment" |
The Ecocinema Festival is the first thematic festival in Greece and the only environmental film festival in the Mediterranean and the Balkans.
A non-profit organization was created for managing and running the festival, called "Cinema and Environment" with Ilias Efthimiopoulos as President and the following members:
Efstratiadis Manos, Director |
Zorba Myrsini, member of the European Parliament |
Kambilis Takis, Journalist |
Kanelopoulou Vasso, Journalist-television producer |
Modinos Michalis, President of EKPAA |
Mouzaki Despina, Producer |
Bakogianopoulos Giannis, film critic |
Nikolaidis Nikolas, Architect |
Tsiftsis Spyros, film Director-head in chief of IME's film productions |
Charitatou Ioanna, Director of Media Desk Hellas |
Film director, Lucia Rikaki is festival's artistic director. |